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From the AI Native Dev: AI Native Software Development and the Future of Coding


In this blog post, we delve into the insightful discussions from the FIRST episode of the AI Native Dev podcast, hosted by Simon Maple and Guy Podjarny. The episode focuses on AI native software development, its implications, and how it will transform the way we create software. Additionally, it introduces Guy Podjarny's new venture, Tessl, and explores Guy's extensive experience in the software development and security space. This article is structured to provide a detailed breakdown of the podcast, highlighting key points and quotes from the hosts.

Background of the Hosts

Guy Podjarny

Guy Podjarny, the co-host, has a rich history in the application security (AppSec) industry. He founded Blaze, a company focusing on making websites faster, which was later acquired by Akamai. Guy served as CTO at Akamai and then founded Snyk, a company aimed at embedding security into software development. Recently, he founded Tessl, focusing on AI native software development.

Simon Maple

Simon Maple is has an extensive background in software development, specifically in middleware development at IBM. He transitioned into developer relations (DevRel) and built the DevRel team at ZeroTurnaround, known for the Java tool JRebel. Simon later joined Snyk, where he worked for six years before moving to Tessl.

The Concept of AI Native Software Development

According to Guy Podjarny, AI native software development is about rethinking the entire software development process from the ground up, assuming the availability of AI and large language models (LLMs). Guy states, "The real opportunity for developing software in the era of AI is to think about AI native software development. What is the software development process that you would want to have if you were to think about it from first principles?"

The Need for AI Native Development

Guy draws a parallel with the evolution of cloud computing. Initially, cloud technology was used to improve existing processes (lift and shift). However, the true value was realized with cloud-native development, which embraced microservices, elasticity, and DevOps practices. Similarly, AI native development aims to move beyond AI-assisted development to fundamentally change how software is created.

Existing AI Tools and Their Roles

Simon Maple and Guy Podjarny discuss popular AI tools like GitHub Copilot and Devin. Guy acknowledges their value but categorizes them as AI-assisted tools. He explains, "These tools are amazing, and I highly recommend exploring them. However, they are assistants, not autonomous, and they work within the existing system."

The Limitations of Current AI Tools

While these tools enhance productivity, they do not fundamentally change the development process. Guy emphasizes, "When you get code completion or autocompletion, you can eyeball it and see it's correct. So it's low friction, low change for you. But it's just selling short the eventual opportunity of what AI can do."

The Future of Software Development Roles

The podcast discusses how AI native development will elevate developers to higher-level roles, akin to architects. Simon Maple points out, "It up levels developers in their thought process, as to what's important for the application versus just the specifics of the implementation."

Preserving the Fun in Development

Guy Podjarny highlights the importance of maintaining the sense of creation and problem-solving that developers enjoy. He states, "The drive that makes software development fun is the sense of creation and the game-like mechanics of solving problems and leveling up."

The Role of Tessl

Tessl’s colorful new logo!

Introduction to Tessl

Tessl is Guy Podjarny's new venture, focusing on AI native software development. As Guy explains, "Our goal is to promote this idea of AI native software development, help shape this with the community, and build a platform that enables that."

The Launch and Future Plans

The podcast marks the launch of Tessl's website, blog, and podcast. Guy shares, "We hope to launch some products in beta form this year, get feedback, and adapt accordingly. We aim to publish content, talk to smart people, and boost the conversation around AI native development."

Comparing Tessl to Snyk

Guy reflects on his experience with Snyk, emphasizing the importance of conviction and community collaboration. He says, "Snyk gave me the conviction that if something is the right motion, it can become reality. Our ambition with Tessl is even bigger, focusing on AI native software development."

The Path Forward for Tessl

The team at Tessl aims to navigate the complexities of AI technology and its application in software development. Guy believes that the rapid progression of LLMs and code generation will make AI native development a reality.


The AI Native Dev podcast provides valuable insights into the future of software development, emphasizing the transformative potential of AI. Guy Podjarny's new venture, Tessl, aims to lead this change by promoting AI native development and building a supportive platform. As the hosts highlight, this journey requires collaboration, experimentation, and a forward-thinking mindset. Stay tuned to the Tessl blog and podcast for more updates and insights into the evolving world of AI native software development.