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From the AI Native Dev: Monthly Roundup: Gen AI powered TDD, Understanding vs Generating Code, Speciality vs General models, and more!


In this month's episode of the Tessl podcast, hosts Simon Maple and Guy Podjarny dive into the world of AI and its impact on software development. Featuring insights from industry leaders like Itamar Friedman from Codium AI, James Ward from AWS, Jason Warner from Poolside, and Bouke Nijhuis, this episode covers a range of topics from AI-generated code to the future roles of developers. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of AI and software development.

AI Testing with Itamar Friedman

The discussion kicks off with Itamar Friedman from Codium AI, who delves into the complexities of AI in testing. Itamar emphasizes that the hardest part of generating tests for code is understanding what to test for. He states, "The hardest thing is to know what to test for, to understand the code, to understand what are correct and incorrect systems within it." This understanding is crucial, as it forms the foundation for generating effective tests.

Codium AI is addressing these challenges by creating tools that help developers understand their code better, thereby making it easier to generate relevant tests. This approach is not just about generating tests but understanding the code to identify what needs to be tested. This insight drives the development of more sophisticated AI testing tools.

Transition to AWS with James Ward

James Ward's transition from Google to AWS is another highlight of the episode. Now serving as a Developer Advocate in AI at AWS, James brings a wealth of experience from his time at Google and his extensive background in Java. Guy Podjarny mentions, "James, just moving over to AWS, actually from Google in a very interesting role, as a dev advocate in the world of AI."

James's role at AWS involves advocating for AI and its applications in development. He provides insights into the evolving world of Java and how AWS is leveraging AI to enhance their developer tools. His transition signifies a broader trend in the industry where experienced developers are moving into roles that focus on integrating AI into existing technologies.

Code Generation Models with Jason Warner

The conversation then shifts to Jason Warner, who explores the intricacies of code generation models. Jason, the former CTO of GitHub and now CEO of Poolside, provides a unique perspective on the evolution of these models. He explains, "The LLMs as they stand today are actually much better at understanding code than generating it."

Jason emphasizes the importance of understanding what to test for in code generation. He believes that while AI has made significant strides in understanding code, generating new code is still a work in progress. This understanding is crucial for creating effective code generation models that can assist developers in their day-to-day tasks.

TDD and Code Generation with Bouke Nijhuis

Bouke Nijhuis takes a hands-on approach to discuss using Test-Driven Development (TDD) to generate code. He introduces an iterative loop tool that builds components from tests. Bouke explains, "Developers are increasingly test writers, and if the tests are good enough, you don't need to look at the code."

This approach, termed "conference-driven development," emphasizes the feedback loop between tests and code. Bouke's tool allows developers to generate code directly from their tests, ensuring that the code meets the specified requirements. This iterative process not only streamlines development but also enhances the reliability of the generated code.

The Dichotomy of Understanding and Generating Code

A significant part of the episode focuses on the dichotomy between understanding and generating code. Itamar and Jason provide valuable insights into this complexity. Itamar states, "The hardest thing is to know what to test for is to understand the code." On the other hand, Jason believes that "the LLMs are actually further along down the route of understanding code than they are generation."

This discussion highlights the different perspectives on the role of Large Language Models (LLMs) in development. While understanding code is crucial, generating new code presents its own set of challenges. The episode explores how these perspectives influence the development of AI tools and their applications in software development.

The Future Developer's Role

The future role of developers in the age of AI is another key topic. Jason and Guy discuss how developers' roles are evolving towards product management and architecture. Jason notes, "AI assistants are evolving, but there's still a leap to make before we could even start thinking about them as autonomous junior developers."

Guy adds, "If you're drawn into software development because of the problem-solving aspects, then you might go more down an architect route." This shift signifies a broader trend where developers need to adapt and continuously learn to stay relevant in a rapidly changing landscape.

The Importance of Tests Over Code

Bouke's perspective on tests becoming the most important artifact in development is particularly intriguing. He argues, "You wouldn't need to look at the code if the tests are good enough; you have to trust the generated code from the AI."

This shift from focusing on code to focusing on tests for validation changes the development workflow significantly. It emphasizes the importance of writing comprehensive tests to ensure the reliability of the generated code. This approach aligns with the broader trend towards automation and AI-driven development.

Specialized vs. Generalized AI Models

The competition between specialized and generalized AI models is another fascinating topic. Jason provides insights into the benefits and challenges of each approach. He states, "In a world with infinite resources, the general-purpose model is key to AGI. But in reality, we face constraints on energy, data, and time."

Specialized models, like the one Jason is developing at Poolside, offer targeted solutions for specific tasks. In contrast, generalized models aim to provide broader capabilities but may face limitations due to resource constraints. This ongoing competition will shape the future of AI in development, influencing how tools are built and used.

Recent AI Developments and Announcements

The episode concludes with an overview of recent funding announcements in the AI dev space. Significant announcements from Cursor, Codeium, and Magic dev highlight the growing interest and investment in AI development tools.

  • Cursor: Raised $60 million for their AI-focused IDE.
  • Codeium: Secured $150 million with 700,000 active users and over 1,000 customers.
  • Magic dev: Raised $320 million to advance their model capabilities.

These developments underscore the rapid growth and innovation in the AI and developer tools ecosystem, promising exciting advancements in the near future.


This episode provided a deep dive into the current state and future of AI in software development. Key takeaways include:

  • The complexities of AI testing and code generation.
  • The evolving roles of developers towards product management and architecture.
  • The increasing importance of tests over code.
  • The ongoing competition between specialized and generalized AI models.

Stay tuned for more insights and discussions in upcoming episodes.