From the AI Native Dev: Beyond Coding Assistants: The Future of AI in Development with Devin Stein of Dosu

Simon Maple


In this blog post, we delve into the world of AI and its application beyond the usual coding assistants. Our podcast guest, Devin Stein, founder of Dosu, joins Simon Maple to discuss how AI can help automate the work engineers do outside the IDE, thereby allowing them to focus more on coding. Devin shares insights from his experience as an early engineer at various startups and the founding of Dosu, a company dedicated to reducing the maintenance burden on developers by automating tasks like issue triage and documentation maintenance. Devin's extensive background includes roles in software development and engineering at multiple startups, where he was instrumental in building and scaling engineering teams. His expertise in AI and automation positions him as a trusted voice in the field, making this discussion particularly valuable for anyone interested in the future of AI in development workflows.

The Evolution of AI in Coding

AI has come a long way from simple code suggestions in IDEs to more complex automation tasks. As Simon Maple mentions, "We've already talked a little bit about various code suggestions and things like that." The importance of AI in modern development workflows cannot be overstated. Initially, AI tools were limited to providing code suggestions inline as we code in our IDEs. However, the scope has expanded to include generating code through natural language in a more automated way. This evolution is crucial as it allows developers to focus more on coding rather than getting bogged down by repetitive tasks.

Over the years, AI has improved significantly in understanding and generating human-like code. Early iterations of AI coding assistants were limited to simple auto-completions and syntax suggestions, but with advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), today's AI can understand context and even predict developer intent to a certain extent. This shift from basic code snippets to comprehensive code generation represents a monumental leap in AI capabilities within the coding realm.

Introduction to Dosu

Devin Stein provides a detailed background on Dosu, explaining its mission to automate non-coding tasks for developers. "At Dosu, we're really focused on helping automate the work engineers do outside of the IDE," says Devin. Dosu aims to take tasks off engineers' plates so they can focus on coding. These tasks include answering questions, taking a first pass on issue triage, and maintaining documentation. By automating these tasks, Dosu helps reduce the maintenance burden on developers, allowing them to be more productive and efficient.

Dosu's approach is unique because it focuses on the myriad of tasks that developers need to manage outside their primary coding environment. This includes everything from responding to queries on platforms like Slack and Jira to maintaining updated and accurate documentation. By addressing these often-overlooked tasks, Dosu enables developers to stay in the flow of coding without frequent interruptions, thereby enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.

Asynchronous Tasks vs. Real-Time Assistance

One of the key comparisons made in the podcast is between AI-driven tools that assist in real-time within the IDE and those that handle asynchronous tasks outside the IDE. Simon Maple points out, "In an IDE, it needs to be a line-for-line coding assistant." Real-time assistance tools like GitHub Copilot provide instant code suggestions, where speed is of the essence. On the other hand, asynchronous tasks, such as those handled by Dosu, allow for more time to gather the right context and provide valuable information. Devin explains, "With those tickets, the kind of delta between getting pinged and responding could be have a lot more time in the background to make sure you're gathering the right context and then providing valuable information back to end users."

Asynchronous tools are particularly effective for tasks that don't require immediate attention but still need to be addressed in a timely manner. This includes issue triage, where the AI can analyze and categorize issues before a developer even looks at them, and documentation updates, where the AI can suggest edits based on recent code changes. This allows developers to focus on writing code, knowing that the AI is handling other essential tasks in the background.

Precision and Accuracy in AI Responses

Precision and accuracy are critical, especially in asynchronous tasks. Devin highlights this by saying, "Precision really matters. You'd rather deliver one good response than five average responses." Dosu's strategy focuses on ensuring high-quality responses by understanding when it makes sense to respond and when to gather more context. This approach minimizes the risk of providing incorrect information, which could lead to more work for the developer. Simon Maple adds, "It's important that the code suggestions are happening at the time that a developer is thinking and wanting to act."

In real-time coding assistants, speed is crucial, but in asynchronous tasks, the quality and accuracy of the response take precedence. This distinction is vital because a wrong or low-quality response can lead to more work down the line, negating any time saved by using the AI in the first place. Therefore, Dosu invests significant effort into ensuring that its AI responses are both accurate and valuable, making it a reliable tool for developers.

Contextual Understanding in Large Codebases

Navigating and understanding large codebases is a complex task for AI. Devin explains that Dosu builds a map of product-level concepts to help in providing accurate and relevant responses. "We work in this space where often outside of the IDE, people are not talking about code in a code sense," he says. Instead, they describe things in product language, which Dosu translates back to engineering terms. This mapping of product concepts to code files and functions is crucial for accurate AI responses, especially in large and complex codebases.

Large codebases present unique challenges because they often contain multiple layers of abstraction, various dependencies, and a mix of old and new code. For an AI to be effective in such an environment, it needs to understand not just the code but also the architecture and the business logic behind it. This is where Dosu's approach of mapping product-level concepts to code components becomes invaluable. By understanding the high-level product requirements, Dosu can provide more accurate and contextually relevant responses, making it easier for developers to navigate and maintain large codebases.

Learning and Adapting: AI as an Employee

Treating AI as an employee that learns and adapts over time is an intriguing concept. Devin notes, "Dosu is going to make mistakes, LLMs will make mistakes, but how do we learn from that, get feedback, and then make sure they don't make the same mistake twice?" Dosu gathers feedback, learns from its errors, and improves its performance over time, much like a human developer would. This continuous learning process ensures that the AI system becomes more proficient and reliable, providing better assistance to developers.

This approach transforms the AI from a static tool into a dynamic entity that evolves and improves over time. Just like a new employee, the AI starts with a basic understanding and gradually becomes more proficient as it gains more experience and receives more feedback. This iterative learning process is crucial for long-term success and makes the AI a more valuable asset to the development team.

Challenges in Patch Generation

Generating patches is a specific challenge for AI. Devin explains, "LLMs are notoriously bad at patch generation, so actually making an edit to a file." Patch generation requires understanding the context of the larger file and adhering to specific schema requirements, making it a complex task. Dosu is working on improving this aspect by focusing on refining the context and ensuring that the final prompt is informationally dense and high quality.

Patch generation is particularly challenging because it requires the AI to not only understand the specific change that needs to be made but also to consider the broader context of the entire file or codebase. This involves understanding dependencies, maintaining coding standards, and ensuring that the patch integrates seamlessly with the existing code. Given these complexities, it's no surprise that patch generation remains a difficult task for AI. However, with ongoing research and development, tools like Dosu are making strides in improving the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated patches.

Developer Interaction and Input Refinement

The role of developers in providing input to AI systems and refining the context is crucial. Devin mentions, "LLMs are not magic; they are as good as the inputs." Developers need to provide detailed and accurate descriptions for the AI to perform effectively. Dosu assists in gathering and refining this context, helping developers by finding relevant resources and examples. This human-in-the-loop approach ensures that the AI system can deliver high-quality responses based on well-defined inputs.

Effective collaboration between developers and AI systems is essential for maximizing the benefits of AI in development workflows. By providing clear and detailed inputs, developers can help the AI understand the context and produce more accurate and valuable responses. Dosu's approach of assisting developers in gathering and refining context further enhances this collaboration, making it easier for developers to leverage AI effectively.

Future of AI in Development

Speculating on the future of AI in software development, Devin believes that higher-level abstractions and primitives will make AI more effective. He states, "For LLMs to become more proficient at building apps, we need abstractions around what apps are that LLMs can think in and modify." This could involve creating new domain-specific languages or specifications that allow AI to operate at a higher level, reducing the complexity of code generation and maintenance. The future may see AI handling more complex tasks and lowering the barrier to entry for new developers, making software development more accessible and efficient.

The future of AI in development looks promising, with the potential for AI to handle increasingly complex tasks and provide even greater assistance to developers. Higher-level abstractions and domain-specific languages could simplify the development process, making it easier for developers to create and maintain applications. This could also lower the barrier to entry for new developers, enabling more people to participate in software development and contribute to the growing tech ecosystem.


In this episode, Simon Maple and Devin Stein explore the evolving role of AI in software development, particularly outside the IDE. Key takeaways include:

  • The distinction between real-time and asynchronous AI tasks.
  • The importance of precision and context in AI responses.
  • Treating AI systems as learning employees.
  • The challenges of patch generation and context refinement.
  • The potential future of AI with higher-level abstractions.

Next steps involve watching the follow-up episode, where Devin demonstrates Dosu in action, providing practical insights into how AI can assist developers in real-world scenarios.